What about when a tire burst on the streets

If suddenly your vehicle's tires burst on the streets, the most important and you need to remember is don't panic and never stepping on the brake pedal. The brakes will make vehicles swooped and exacerbating the loss of control of the steering wheel. The second your feet completely may not step on the pedal of any kind at the moment. Use both feet to prop up the body to conduct the next maneuver.

The Steering will pull into one direction, but you should be prepared to fight it off and slowly but surely, the playback in the reverse direction until the position of the vehicle straight back, do not correct too much. You may need to concentrate more if you join the passengers panicked and screamed. Let them express his feelings because the lives of you and your passengers entirely in your hands.

Make sure the shoulder of the road in an empty. Navigate vehicle to pull over while giving sign first. Reduce speed by lowering the gear transmission one after the other or let the vehicle rolling up speeds low enough and you can use the back brake safely to stop completely.

Don't forget to turn on the warning lights (hazard warning). So the conclusion or the key here is don't panic, don't Stampede brake pedal, steering wheel or the Steering and opponents to the opposite direction. Better yet if every morning while you heat up the car's engine, you are always given the above keys, so if at any time you experience such incident, such maneuvers can be done well.
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