How to Change Sokbreker

Sokbreker or shock absorbers are is a very important part on your car, because it relates to the comfort of your car while driving. If shock absorbers are already less than optimal and feels stiff or less palatable means it's time to be replaced. You do not need to worry because you can actually change it yourself even though it is located somewhat complicated under the dome.

To do the replacement of the sokbreker, you just need complete equipment such as the Jack jack-equipped stand, lock wheels and wrenches or 17 millimeter-sized ring. If all the equipment was ready the following simple way to replace sokbreker your car.

First spray a liquid penetran on nuts sokbreker. Wait a few moments to sink in. Open the fastener nut sokbreker contained in the upper part by using key ring/fitting size 17 mm. Remove the fastener nut sokbreker contained at the bottom by using the same key ring.

After the second nut, disconnect the sokbreker next to the side to get out. To do so, use the minus screwdriver or tip of a wheel lock. Sokbreker Pull out, if droop can while shake or dragged and then release.

After it was clear the sokbreker holder by means of sprayed using liquid penetrant, then install the new sokbreker the opposite way of how to open it.
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