How to Avoid Accidents on the road

We never know when an accident does come up, so it will be good we always be careful on the road. In the blink of an accident could change our lives as well as others and the fact that 50% of the cause of the accident was the driver.

So when you're behind the wheel, and always on the alert. Do not let you divide the attention to other things, such as receive calls via mobile phone, chat or look the other way. Concentration and focus is an important factor that could prevent us from accidents.

There are a few simple tips that can be applied in daily life to avoid you from accidents on the road, the description, the tips are:

1. Be quiet, full concentration and be vigilant but don't tense up.

2. Give the space around your car; do not be too closely with cars in the vicinity. With a position like this, under certain conditions will be enough space to avoid.

3. Keep a distance with the car in front, at least within the size of a car. The faster the pace of the car then the distance must be increasingly tenuous. This will give the space a sufficient braking, if at any time was forced to brake suddenly.

4. make sure the car is in a condition fit because of minor annoyance on the component will magnify the risk of an accident.

Remember the two second role. That is, make a. The distance a car with two seconds ahead. How to count them quite easily. Look at the car in front of you if it passes through a building, electric poles, bridges or anything that can be used as a reference. Count it as 0 seconds, if 2 seconds later you pass that benchmark means the distance you are safe. If it turns out to be less than 2 seconds, you may need to reduce the pressure of the gas pedal.

Some of the factors that are usually known as a major factor in the cause of the accident, among others, are:

1. Sleepy.
2. Alcohol or drugs.
3. Speeding or inconsiderate.
4. The driver of a ripe old age.
5. Distraction from cell phones, navigation devices, on-board computers.
6. Visibility and lighting conditions, reflections.
7. Something shocking and disturbing the driver's concentration.
8. Avoid the potholes in the road.
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