How to Maintain Safety during Driving

In major cities such Jakarta, congestion on the highway, it was commonplace to occur daily. While driving a car in the small towns that are relatively rare crashes are more comfortable than in the big cities. The following are tips for safety and security during the drive, especially when driving in large cities are accustomed to a standstill.

Pray always invoke God's protection every traveler. Check your fuel supply. Fill if you have half a tank, to anticipate if stuck congestion. Also check the water radiator and the accu.

Prepare a dime to get started on a Byway or round way, which there is usually parking and plenty of beggars. Prepare the drinks and small snacks in your vehicle for preparations if stuck in total.

Do not carry the striking items or excessive because the crime would be a target. Don't wear flashy jewelry. Leave a credit card and ATM where not necessary, if you plan on passing places prone.

Do not put the phone seluller, wallets or other valuable objects in a place that is easily visible from outside the vehicle. Specifically for women, prepare a hat and sunglasses to disguise your appearance while driving.

Always listen to the radio broadcast covering the flow of traffic and actual news. If you listen to any news of the riot and congestion on your path, you should find a safe place to wait until things become secure. Do not force to pass through the areas at risk. Don't spread the news source and obscure the truth.

Avoid evening out if not important. If you are using seluller, make sure conditions betray is in good shape and full. Avoid the junction-the junction potential road traffic jam. Always lock the doors and Windows of the vehicle as well. If stuck in a traffic jam, trust in watch around you. If you see suspicious people who approached, experiment with the Horn for attention-seeking drivers or passengers of other vehicles.

Contact a friend who roughly knows the condition of the trails you will skip. Do not stop if it was knocked over by a motorcycle or a suspicious car. Better to go on a journey to find a safe place and crowded. Common pitfalls by people pretending to be hit, but then Rob.

Give the backup a minimum distance of one meter against a vehicle in front of you. If in the circumstance, you can use to jump. If stuck in a traffic jam and there are riots, while there is a mass approaching, immediately leave your vehicle and lock the door or window.
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