How to Set Up the Car at the Time of Rainy Season

To face the rainy season there are some things that should be noticed by the owners of the cars will be driving their vehicles, among other things:

1. The condition of the rubber windscreen wiper

Rubber windscreen wiper that does not function properly will certainly be very troublesome driver in the rainy season. Note the side rubber in tangent with the glass, when the invisible shiny means must be immediately replaced with a new one. One way you can help is by removing the rubber and the inside rubber rubbed on tires. The result would certainly be better than before.

2. Electrical System

The parts that are prone to water are the electrical system, specifically on the distributor, coil and spark plug wires. The voltage can be generated from the electrical system reaches 20,000 volts. Among those components that are most prone is the distributor. Produced water from condensation that occurs at the distributor CAP will cause the Division of power lines to each cylinder to be fucked. Note the circular rubber between the distributors Cap with the distributor itself is still in good condition. If it's already a stiff rubber should quickly be replaced with a new one.

A new output is already on the car lots that use CDI so safer to face the rainy season. There is rubber on CDI not fast is broken because it is not often opened the lid of its distributors to clear or set the Platinum. However we still need to be more careful with the cars because of the location of the distributor position equal to or higher than a carburetor. On the old machine, cars are often aggregated, or crashing more caused by the short circuit (shorted). Otherwise on a new car, broke down due to water hammer. Water hammer will cause damage to the combustion chamber system, and more fatal again to continue in the bent valve, piston cavities, even a pressure valve (arm) broken.

3. The height of the water

Height of water which can be skipped should not exceed height of car tires, because the average location of the distributor is the same height as car tires. Another case with car output in an 85-to the top of the layout of the distributor, coil and spark plugs located higher than the ban is even higher than the cap on the radiator. The car will continue to advance unless the water's been sucked into the combustion chamber.

When the car broke down in the flood area, you should not continue to incite the car's engine as it will result in a current battery soon empty. If this is done and thus would further aggravate the situation. Thing to do is dress it up so the car in the push to a higher place.

Use a tissue, handkerchiefs, or newspaper to dry the area around the machine. Open the distributor and pat dry when there is water in it. When having instigated yet can also live, use a match to heat the inside of the distributor. In this way the distributor CAP is expected to be dry. On the lid there is some point distributors to share high-voltage current to the spark plugs. The water in it will lead to the Division of flow to each spark plug be screwed.

And remember, after coming out of the puddles do not immediately step on the gas because of the water that goes into the drum brakes can make the brakes do not work optimally. Use first gear, stepped on the gas in conjunction with the brakes. Run a few moments until the brakes back functioning normally.

In the rainy season the car will certainly dirty, because it's wash your car as soon as possible. After net open all the doors and the car and basking in the hot sun until all the water is left in the car evaporate. The remains of the water do not dry, let alone containing salt is very dangerous to the body of the car because the car's license plate is easily corroded.

Wash the areas around tire, for there lays the dirt still slips. Make sure all parts are free from sand cars-sand smooth the hidden in between the car body plate. When this is allowed so just then dirt, mud and soil will continue to stick to and ultimately will make the car body rusting and porous.
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