This is the reason Why Don't drive a car with FUEL is almost Empty

Some car users ignored it when the fuel gauge indicates the gas is running low. But it turned out driving in conditions almost empty petrol will make you spend more and tighter.

Warning indicator light will turn on when the petrol FUEL had reached the rest of the existing reserves in the tank or about 10-15 percent of the total tank capacity.

We can use these references along with the average economic value to calculate how much residual gas in the tank, but not a good idea to let up empty.

If the car broke down due to running out of gas, we have to wait for a tow truck to come or walk to the nearest gas station while carrying a jerry can. This may make you ashamed, but there are other problems that may be experienced.

Inside the gas tank, there is a device called a fuel pump or fuel pump. This fuel pump works rely on gasoline.

With the gasoline in the tank will keep the pump cool and lubricated. Driving a car with the gas tank contents a little to make the pump is not lubricated and can make the fuel pump overheated.

If the fuel pump was broken, quite expensive to fix. Damage to the pump tank makes the car perform worse with no smooth acceleration can not even turned on.

The fuel pump also has a petrol filter that can quickly become dirty if we drive with gasoline that is almost empty. Muck-muck sediment at the bottom of the tank, creating filters, and will give rise to consequences in another.

Au warning gasoline is already a little bit is a bad idea and drive with an empty tank conditions could create serious problems and the cost of the more expensive petrol in the car.
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