Know, choosing and caring for Racing Exhaust

Racing exhaust the exhaust is a kind of form and his voice is a little weird and quite unique. In the 4 stroke motors, this exhaust looks bigger than exhaust standards, besides her voice is also more rumbles. While 2-stroke motors is getting to the end of the exhaust hole is getting smaller and has a loud whooshing sound. And it turns out the shape of the unique voice and able to improve the power of the engine and increase the pull of the more toned.

On the default factory standard exhaust, generally equipped with filters so that his voice gives a chance to sound clear and smooth. Mechanical power generated is also a standard for the manufacturer is a higher priority on fuel consumption to be as efficient as possible.

Racing exhaust was deliberately created to improve the performance of the machine so that the type of this exhaust is suitable for motor racing. Meanwhile, when mounted on a motor that is used for everyday activities less suitable because it will waste fuel.

On the installation of exhaust racing usually must be followed also by re-setting the carburetor. Nozzle size should be changed or replaced with larger than standard size, otherwise the engine performance will not change because the fuel coming too little. Besides, the setting of the valve should also be adjusted, after all set back the engine power will be increased by about 10% and ready to be invited to the race.

In terms of the selection of exhaust racing, you have to be careful and observant when buying racing exhaust. Many exhaust racing sold annual witnessing even outdated.
If the exhaust like this still bought it when used will not be durable because the material inside is fragile even rusty.

Racing exhaust the exhaust duct as every second passed above 150 degrees Celsius heat that comes from the engine, so reasonable once used long enough then the material or material exhaust so eroded.

In terms of treatment, in order to exhaust the racing more durable and long lasting then you can enter the oil into pert exhaust. This was intended to exhaust not easily corroded because of dew and raindrops often enter into the belly of the exhaust.

If you use a muffler racing but the fuel supply is too low then the exhaust sound will usually sound shoot-shoot, because basically racing exhaust needs a steady supply of fuel in large quantities to boost engine power.

After being used for many years, the materials of stainless exhaust could be yellow because of the heat. To overcome this pretty easy and cheap, buy only green stone that is commonly sold in variations of the motor. Rub the stone on the exhaust using a cloth, after repeated several times then it'll be back racing exhaust like new.
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