Get to know the helmet, the helmet Selection and the use of a secure

For users of the motorcycle must be familiar with the equipment required when you are riding a motorcycle that this one is the helmet. There are basically two types of helmets, namely a round helmet that protects all parts of the head and helmet are open on the obverse.

The rounded helmet has protective face that could be opened or closed and features a protective chin. While the type of helmet that was open at the face of course no protector on her face.

When you are riding a motorcycle on a highway, the main function of the helmet is as a safety while driving. In addition to protect from the heat of the Sun, the helmet is also a patron of the head in case of an accident on the highway. But along with the times, the helmet is no longer merely a protective head but also became part of the Motorcycle accessories with a variety of designs and models.

When you would choose or buy a helmet, to note is whether a helmet would you buy has a 3 layer or not. These layers are made up of parts of the outer most commonly made from fiberglass or hard plastic.

Then, the middle part is usually made of polystyrene or Styrofoam that serves to dampen the beat or the shock of the impact occurred. Then the most in that is part of the bearing so that the helmet fitting and comfortable when used as a head covering.

The most important thing to note is that the helmet you buy must have international standards. The helmet should also be of high quality and in accordance with the standards of protection and safety. After selecting the appropriate fitting and helmet, note also when using it.

Always install the fastener so that the helmet Chin really fits in the head, don't be too tight or slack so that it feels comfortable when used. The helmet that you choose the helmet should also have clear glass and gives the effect of neutral so as not to disturb the eyes especially during the night.

Size helmet that you'll use also should fit your head. To find out then when inserted into the head must press the cheeks and forehead on your face. Try also to use a helmet that can cover all parts of your face to make it more secure.

Try to replace the helmet with a new one after the use of two to four years. Avoid using helmets fell more than twice or if it has undergone a collision or accident should immediately be replaced only. Inspect helmet periodically to ascertain whether the helmet that you use is still eligible to wear it or not.
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