Why the Thick Smoky Exhaust

If your motorcycle exhaust smoky thick, besides as a sign or symptom that is less to go wrong with your motor bike engine but can also interfere with the respiration of the other riders. Thick smoke from the exhaust of the vehicle can also pollute the air and harmful to health. Then what is the actual cause of the thick fumes emitted by your vehicle?

Thick and black smoke from exhaust when your vehicle is gassed usually arising from seepage originating from the crankcase oil that flows into the combustion chamber. But this is not necessarily the oil seepage caused by piston ring or cylinder that has been worn out.

Therefore you should also check out the other sections i.e. sections between the valve stems with his boss, because it could have been the cause of this section that was already worn out.
If left too long and it is not clear what the cause, it is feared will cause more damage.

To prevent more severe damage such as the occurrence of down machines, we recommend that you check the damaged section with a compression tester. If you do not have this tool then manually check carefully all parts of the engine or cylinder head good. Once found components that wear out and you've actually convinced then you can immediately take action replacement components that wear out.
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