How to fix a Motor Body Chafing

Conditions were jammed and chaotic streets can sometimes cause the motor we nudged by another motor and can result in the motor body so abrasions. If the motor we are experiencing falling or fallen, can also cause the motor body is damaged and is not smooth anymore so his appearance so less unsightly.

To cope with the motor body blisters-blisters, you can fix it in the garage, but really you can fix it yourself. If you want to fix it yourself, it takes only a few steps:

Prepare Putty, sandpaper, paint colors and ct epoxy. Epoxy useful to further harden the parts in putty and also serves to further turn a new paint color. To do a painting you can use a spray gun, but if you don't have a spray gun can also use a spray bottle or spray tool pylox model mosquitoes.

Before the epoxy, the motor body abrasions should be sanded first. Wear with a size of coarse sandpaper first, then proceed with the size of the more refined to the most subtle so that the surface becomes smooth sanded.

Apply the Putty by means of the thin-thin, could use the hands to the part that is hard to reach. If the putty dry, mix with water. Once finished putty, paint all the parts that have been in with epoxy putty. Wait until dry, then putty again on parts that are still considered less than average, palpate with his hands.

To be part of this could mean when painted again, the former putty sandpaper until smooth, then spray paint the same color as the body color across the surface of it. So the results can be sprayed also shinier with clear spray paint or rub continue to compound until shiny. By performing these steps, guaranteed results are sleek and are not inferior to the painting done by the workshop.
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