How to troubleshoot the Steering feels heavy

If the steering of the vehicle you is having problems surely will interfere with your comfort and safety. But comfort and safety are the two main things that are very important for every motorist. Therefore, a more careful attention against the steering wheel of your car becomes mandatory to do.

The actual damage to the steering of the car can be easily detected, that is by paying attention to and feels the steering wheel while you're driving. If the steering wheel feels heavy mean you should immediately check the steering system of your vehicle. Things to do while feeling the symptoms are checking the wind pressure of the front tire. If it turns out the wind pressure is lower than standard terms then you need to add wind up on standard terms.

After that proceed to the inspection of the power steering system. The driving power steering belt loose or broken can cause the power steering pump work into less than optimal and oil pressure will also be weakened. To resolve it then you need to replace this component with a new one. Check also the height of the oil power steering reservoir in the tube, if the position is under the limit altitude then immediately plus oil again.

Also note whether there are signs of a leak, for example there are air bubbles or foam in the tubes. Note also the damage that may occur, for example, bearings of pumps that were already worn out. Note also the power steering oil; conditions are still good or not replaced for too long. If necessary replace the power steering oil immediately the old with the new. Power steering oil that is too long is not replaceable will increasingly absorb moisture, so its ability to continue the hydraulic pressure will decrease.

Other damage occurred on the steering system can also be caused by a variety of system components such as the Steering ball joint and bushings are worn out already. If these components are already worn out should soon be replaced because it could lead to steering wheel feels heavy.
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