Why do car engine So Noisy or Noisy

Car engine sounds unnatural is happening on a car's engine is usually sound like a knock. If the sound is still heard regularly beats the cause is usually on the system a.k.a. or valve. In a State of slow machine round the sound beats it does not sound clear, but by the time the rotation of the engine is accelerated so the beats sound is heard loud and clear.

Car engine noise may also be caused due to the valve gap is set too loose. If your settings are too loose and not in accordance with the manufacturer's specification settings, this can cause engine noise and the effect of the suction valve working period and the exhaust valve so it is less effective.

But conversely, if the gap is too small then the set valve valve-the valve tends to be in a State of elevated and result in the ability of the machine be declined because of the suction valve working period and the exhaust valves are not perfect and the engine compression to be less good.

Car engine noise can also come from components or other parts which wear out or damage suffered. For example, at the time the car is turned on, the noise sounded like metal beats you met. If the gas pedals to step on and held a few moments that noise disappears.

Sometimes noise is heard when the car is parked for too long, it could be in the morning when the car is being heated. Noise was coming from the engine timing chain or chains that have been worn or damaged. Noise or other noise that often sounds of the machine is the sound of creaking. Usually this sound comes from the fan belt is already too slack, it could also come from the compressor AIR CONDITIONING.

For sound or the sound of creaking that comes from the air conditioning, if the sound of creaking harder when AC is alive, this is because the bearing of the compressor or the compressor shaft seal is already worn out. But if the air conditioning is turned off and at that moment the sound of squealing louder means caused by pulley bearings are worn.

Sound or noise is not normal is the only crackling sounds once when the engine or gassed launched full. This is usually caused by the propeller tip to touch the radiator cooling fan or fan guard.

This usually happens on cars that have rear wheel drive system. This occurs because the engine cradle are loose or damaged rubber causing the machine moved forward suddenly when the gas pedal.
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