Tip Drive when it rains and floods

The rainy season arrive often rain and floods came suddenly so the motorist must always be alert at the time of driving the car in the wet season. For that there are these tips individually in order to keep your car ready to pass through the puddles of rain or flooding.

Here are some important tips for driving the vehicle when the rainy season and flood you can do include:

1. Check the brake device

For devices with a vehicle brake drum system, do not forget the brake pedal repeatedly device drum brakes dry again so it does not reduce its power. Because if it is wet then the drum brake his power to be reduced or even function at all. Press the brake pedal several times after going through a puddle of water, so that the brake shoes and drum brakes will quickly heat and dry.

2. Checks the spark plug wires and distributor and avoid both these components do not get exposed to water. If forced to get wet then you need to drain by way of wipe.

3. Keep the intake manifold does not let water enter or exploited by it. If this happens, it can cause the engine broken and will spend a lot of cost to fix it.

4. Check the rubber cover is mounted under the deck carpeting that served as barrier so that water does not wet the floor of the car. Check back one by one, if there are already broken or loose should soon be replaced.

5. Check the electrical system. In all sections of the vehicle, especially check the entire cable and connection cable are chipped. If there is a loose connector or open should soon be soldered back on. If there is water seeping up into the cabin and on the chipped cable connections may cause short-circuit (shorted) which could decide the fuses.

6. On the premium-fuelled car, so the car does not break down on the wet season then open the incoming air duct installed near the headlights. For a while, taking the air to start the engine could be taken from the room of the machine but it should be through the air filter. Purpose is to make car engines remain safe on the puddle that was a little deep.

7. for diesel engines, while driving a vehicle in the rainy season should avoid high speeds.

If you get stuck through the waterlogged, but be sure and confident. Insert the gear into first gear and press the gas slowly until the needle spin machine shows the number of 3000 rpm. Remember stepping on the gas repeatedly because it will cause engine fan sucking air in large quantities. If that were to happen then it could jeopardize the health of the engine.
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