Diesel Engine as an Alternative to Gasoline Engines

The diesel engine is a type of internal combustion engine invented by Rudolf Diesel. He received a patent for the diesel engine in 1892 and its main goal is to create efficient engines as an alternative to gasoline engines. While the petrol engine was invented first by Karl Friedrich Benz patented in 1879. Fuel the diesel engines we know is diesel fuel, while petrol engines of course are gasoline.

Gasoline engine and diesel engine works by creating a controlled explosion in a piston Chamber. A small explosion quickly moves a piston which in turn would turn the output shaft. In a gasoline engine, the mixture of fuel and air is injected into the Chamber and then ignited type by sparks created by the sparkplug. While the diesel engines are not dependent on the sparkplug to ignite the mixture. Fuel was forced into the space and high pressure generates heat that is enough to ignite the fuel and air mixture.

Some rely on diesel engine glow plug to heat and to minimize the amount of pressure needed by the engine for change. Without the added heat source, the pressure needed to achieve ignition (especially when the engine is cold) will be very high.

Diesel engines require diesel fuel to the combustion process to function properly. Diesel fuel cheaper than gasoline engines because not so requires purification. In addition, the diesel engine is more efficient and hence diesel cars have a mileage better than petrol cars.
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