How to Find Out the Cause of the Engine Will Not Turn On

If one day our motorcycle engine will not turn on, then the first step we have to check is the ignition system and the fuel distribution system. But if two systems are in good shape, then the damage that occurs is due to the condition of the engine itself.

Early action that we have to do is check if the engine compression is good or bad by the way we open the spark plug, the spark plug hole then insert compression gauge commonly called compression tester.

This tool is sold in stores that sell keys and other mechanic tools, and the price is not too expensive. As for how to use it are as follows:

Insert the other end of the compression tester into the spark plug hole, then rotate the handle so that the gas throttle valve on the carburetor. The next step is kicking the kick starter so that the engine can be rotated. With his spinning machine means compression will occur at the cylinder compression pressure then it will depress the valve at compression tester tool so that the results of the compression engine gets caught in the compression tester.

As a result, this compression pressure will push the needle pointer on the compression tester. A good compression pressure for around 800 four step machines up to 1200 Kpa, whereas for two steps is about 700 to 1100 with Kpa.

If the pressure of compression machine approx. 600 Kpa, the machine can still live but will be non-powered vehicles and fuel consumption being wasteful. To test which parts are damaged, then stir in a little oil lubricant through the spark plug hole and allow the oil to spread out above the first compression ring.

This lubricating oil will serve as a divider on the shaft of the ring. After his lubricant oil mist then do testing again with a compression tester and see the result, if the pressure of compression looks up or not on the gauge.

On a four-step, if the results of this second test of its rise a little, then most likely a damaged valve is a part or parts of the shaft of the ring. For more convincing then the parts of the cylinder must be disassembled, so if the machine does not switch on, it means the engine compression is less.

As for the cause of the reduced compression among other things because the cylinder that's been worn out, damaged her shaft, the shaft of his broken ring or his gap was already too big and the ring has been weak, valves-valve is leaking or stuck, Setup a free gap incorrect valve packing head cylinders has been damaged.

Then if you don't have a compression tester then there is yet another way to test whether the compression engine is good or bad. With the second way if you don't have a compression tester tool, you can analyze the compression but the requirement you must often train senses sensing. How to do this are as follows:

After we open the spark plug then insert our fingers into the seat of the spark plug, then kick starter kick and we feel the engine compression results at your fingertips.
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