How to Replace a Radiator Hose

Radiator hose on your car should be checked and replaced regularly. Replacement radiator hose even examination including an easy job, so you can do it yourself. Here is the guide you need to pay attention to.

To check the health of the radiator hose, you simply depress the hose. If it feels soft like foam or looks swell, burst, even broken, meaning that it's time to hose replaced. Each car has two radiator hoses, namely upper and lower hoses hose. Usually if you replace one of the hose, then the other hose should be replaced.

When replacing a radiator hose, the car's engine must be in a State of cold. After the machine is cold, place a large container under the drain hole and holds the contents of the radiator. Then the loose cup radiator and open the petcock located under the radiator using a pair of pliers.

After cooling, remove the clamps that hold both ends of the hose. In some types of automobiles, radiator hose there is being detained with wire fasteners. To release it would have to use a screwdriver. If the clamps apart, the interval you can get easily. But sometimes the hose can not be released.

In this case, you must cut the hose. Check also that you remove the clamps. If it is rusted, you also have to replace it. In choosing the hose and clamp, you have to be careful, because there are many kinds of sizes available for various types of cars.

Before installing the new hose, clean the connecting points of the first hose from dirt and rust with sandpaper. Then reinstall the clamps at each end of the hose. Install retaining gaskets around the connecting point of the hose and insert the other end of the hose on the fitting him respectively.

Note the circumstances of the clamps, clamps should be approximately one inch from each end of the hose. Tighten the clamps-clamps, but not to damage the hose. Next fill the radiator with coolant water back and turn on the machine for approximately 15 minutes. This is done so that the temperature corresponds to the machine that is running.

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