How to care for a Starter Car Life easily

To turn on the car there is one component that plays an important role, namely the motor starter. This component serves to rotate the engine to life. One end associated with the head of the battery positive (+) and the other end associated with the flywheel.

The task of the starter motor is generating power to rotate the crankshaft or it could be said that the starter motor is used to convert electrical energy into a round, i.e. turning the flywheel via the starter motor pinion gear. While the electrical energy that flows from the battery to the starter motor was greatly aided by the solenoid switch that is set by the ignition key.

For the latest exodus cars generally use a light engine so that any starter motor tasks is not too heavy so be durable as a starter motor age so long because only a few times in a day is used to turn on the machine.

However given the primary task of the motor starter is deciding whether a vehicle's engine to life by converting electricity into energy, surely this component also has the limitations of age and could be damaged.

In order for the motor starter durable noteworthy IE never tried turning the key contacts again when the machine alive or already live. When the car engine is already living the flywheel spins to move the crankshaft. At a time when spinning it, then there may be a starter pinion gear goes back into the teeth of the flywheel. This is often done when then starter pinion gears can cause will be destroyed.

Motor starter used over and over again can cause wear and tear on some of the components contained in the starter motor. These components include:

1. Cool booster (often called charcoal), when worn immediately replaced

2. Starter motor Parts made of copper and ends in contact directly with the flywheel, if worn out replaced immediately

3. The starter pinion Gear, at the moment of ignition is connected, which is equipped like this clutch will forward to drive a flywheel. These teeth can also be gradually damaged especially if frequent contacts when turning the key car engine being live

4. Switch the starter located at the head of the motor starter. Given the electric current flowing into the motor through the switch it so great then the existing copper in it can also be worn out

5. Lead connector between the rotor and the booster cool melt due to the heat too high. This can be caused by a weak battery, while turning the key business contacts remained forced continuously so that eventually will cause a high heat on cool booster with rotor

In the event of damage to the starter motor components, to improve it could do on its own because it is not too complicated. To release the motor starter, beginning with removing the negative cable from the battery. This is done to prevent the occurrence of short circuit while we work.

After that unplug the cable from the starter motor is preceded by releasing the cables on the terminal 30 contained in the head of the motor starter, then release the connecting cable to the terminal 50 of the starter motor head. Be careful when releasing this because the cable could break up. Once the cables are successfully released and loosen the fastening bolts and then the starter motor is issued.

For some types of vehicles, it is sometimes a little difficult to let go of the starter motor because it hindered by the exhaust manifold. This could be addressed by opening the bottom cover of the engine first and then wiring the motor starter is released. Thus the release and also the installation back motor must be carried out from under the vehicle using the key sock.

When the installation is complete, return the motor starter check again whether the starter motor can function well with how to turn on the machine. Make sure the engine spinning when the contact key rotated to start position. Beside that, on a rotating machine at the time and also at the moment of ignition disconnected from motor starter note is there any abnormal sound coming out of the motor starter.
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