Your Monday Mix: Here’s What Sleep Deprivation Does to Your Face

5 things to kick off your week.
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Your Monday Mix
Be the most interesting person in the room with these 5 things picked by the Mix Team.
Here's What 36 Hours of Sleep Deprivation Does to Your Face
Beauty sleep is a real thing.
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The Search for the First Street Fighter King
Esports master Tomo Ohira dominated in Street Fighter II tournaments in the '90s with his savant-like excellence at the 1v1 fighting game at age 13.

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Your Netflix Movie Generator: Decide What to Watch
Arguing about what to watch on Netflix again? Don't just give up and choose The Office for the third night in a row. Let this generator help you pick.

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The 15 Greatest Movie Car Chases
The car chase is a time-honored, frequently practiced piece of the language of action cinema, and the rise in digital wizardry in filmmaking has only helped to bolster its place on the big screen. Still, not all car chases are created equal; here are some of the best of them.
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How Did This Rare Pink Manta Get Its Color?
Spotted recently off the Great Barrier Reef, the little-seen fish's rosy hue is not due to infection or diet, scientists say.
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We'll help you find the perfect places on the internet to match your current mood. Take this quiz to tell us more about how you're feeling and we'll give you a thoughtfully curated collection.

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