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Your Monday Mix Your Monday Mix
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Your Monday Mix
A Monday morning dose of nostalgia and a way to live longer.
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Time to heat up your kettle.
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The Story Behind One of Star Wars' Most Recognizable Posters
If two people made one of the most iconic Star Wars posters ever in less than two days, wouldn't you want to hear that story?
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How the Nintendo 3DS Became a Defining Console of the 2010s
More than just a gimmicky gadget, the Nintendo 3DS was a marvel of handheld gaming in the 2010s. Despite the Switch, it's still got plenty of adherents today.
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The Science Behind Why Your Grandmother's Cooking Is Always the Best
If you don't have good memories of your family, you probably don't rate Nonna as much of a cook.
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The Secret History of the Motorola Razr, the First Great Phone of the Millennium
Members of the original Razr design team recount making one of the most influential pieces of hardware ever.
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