Your Friday Mix: Google has a secret design library. Here are 35 of its best books

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Google has a secret design library. Here are 35 of its best books
The company's industrial design team shares a handful of titles from its studio library, which is curated by team members.
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From Gloom To Gratitude: 8 Skills To Cultivate Joy
Reaching out in kindness, mindful breathing and taking time daily to note positive moments and personal strengths are all part of a program that reduces anxiety and depression. But it takes practice.
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Colossal crabs may hold clue to Amelia Earhart fate
Does the secret of the famed aviator's disappearance lie in the underground haunts of the world's largest land invertebrate?
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What to do when a relationship's over — but your feelings aren't
While clean breaks can and do happen, sometimes we're left with unresolved feelings. Psychologist Antonio Pascual-Leone shares the 3 steps we should take to work through them.
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When Squirrels Were One of America's Most Popular Pets
Benjamin Franklin even wrote an ode to a fallen one.
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