Recommended For You: 16 Words People Often Mix Up That Can Make You Look Foolish

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16 Words People Often Mix Up That Can Make You Look Foolish
I sent a test to 400 people. Only 17 got all of them right. And only 48 got every word in this, the second of a four-part series, right.
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The short list: 24 books, each under 200 pages, as recommended by TED speakers
Time is precious, we know. Here, compiled from past reading lists, are suggestions for two dozen short but mighty books to pick up.
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Woodstock's Contradictions, 50 Years Later
The 1969 festival was an epiphany and an indulgence. With five decades of hindsight, it still poses questions about the utopian ideals that surrounded it and our relationship to them today.
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Dirt can make or break a rodeo
With the right soil, rodeo performers, both human and animal, can slip, slide, and stop perfectly.
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The Best Workouts for Extremely Busy People
Even if you have just ten minutes to exercise, here's how to make the most of it.
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