Maintain Safety during the Journey Forth

As we know, the travel time is mass travel lebaran mudik where there are so many people who travel from the city of exiles headed to hometown. As a result, roads are often jammed, and the increasingly chaotic traffic. Moreover, the riders seem to already be impatient want to...
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How to service and care for the brakes of a vehicle

Sophisticated and expensive as anything your car, of course, you will still feel uncomfortable at all if the brakes do not work properly. Although sometimes these devices are not too neglected, but in fact, the vehicle brakes are something that is vital in driving. For this...
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Get To Know the Tire Code

Not all people understand about the meaning of a code in the form of letters or numbers that are attached to the tires. Hopefully by reading this post then you are so savvy about the meaning of some of the numbers and letters that are attached to the tire. Tires are circulating...
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How to Replace a Radiator Hose

Radiator hose on your car should be checked and replaced regularly. Replacement radiator hose even examination including an easy job, so you can do it yourself. Here is the guide you need to pay attention to. To check the health of the radiator hose, you simply depress the...
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The correct Braking technique when it rains

Driving the vehicle at the time of the rainy season require a separate preparation compared with driving a vehicle in the dry season. On a rainy road becomes slippery so it could cause vehicle will easily slip, skid, upside down or even fatal accident. Moreover, if past puddles...
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Tip Drive when it rains and floods

The rainy season arrive often rain and floods came suddenly so the motorist must always be alert at the time of driving the car in the wet season. For that there are these tips individually in order to keep your car ready to pass through the puddles of rain or flooding. Here...
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