Your Friday Mix: The 40 coolest neighborhoods in the world

5 things to kick off your week.
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Your Weekly Mix
Learn about some of the most interesting neighborhoods in the world, and more this weekend.
The 40 coolest neighborhoods in the world
Fun, food, culture and community: these places have it all.
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What It Feels Like To Sleep In An Active Volcano
Most people are told to stay away from active volcanoes, but a select group of researchers actually have to sleep in them.
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Grapefruit Is One of the Weirdest Fruits on the Planet
From its name, to its hazy origins, to its drug interactions, there's a lot going on beneath that thick rind.
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We Asked Health Experts About the Safest Methods for Trick-or-Treating in 2020
From scavenger hunts to hurling candy from your porch, here's what they had to say.
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Why I make music for cats (and monkeys and dogs and horses)
Raise your hand if you've ever sung to your pets or turned on Spotify for them.
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