Your Friday Mix: What 'Reopened' Restaurants Look Like in 17 Cities Worldwide

5 things to kick off your week.
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Your Weekly Mix
Read about how restaurants are (slowly) reopening around the world, and more this weekend.
What 'Reopened' Restaurants Look Like in 17 Cities Worldwide
Views of the world as we edge ever closer to once again sharing a great meal, a stiff drink, and everyday life together.
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Black Communities Have Always Used Food as Protest
Food has always been a part of the culture and identities of Black communities, and has played a role as a source of both comfort and strength for a people constantly subject to abuse, discrimination, and misunderstanding.
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How I Came Out in Hollywood: A Decade-by-Decade Oral History
LGBTQ icons including Wanda Sykes, Jim Parsons, Rosie O'Donnell, Anderson Cooper and more recall the fears, funny moments and ultimate triumphs of telling the industry (and the world) who they really are.
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Fear is contagious. Here's a simple way to protect against it.
We're living in stressful times. Here's how to keep fear — especially the fear that others are feeling — from taking over your life, from psychologist Susan David.
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This Incredible Map Shows the Literal Meaning of Every Country's Name
What does the name of your country really mean?
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