Yes, You Can Run Outside in the Winter 🏃

5 things to kick off your week.
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Your Monday Mix
Be the most interesting person in the room with these 5 things picked by the Mix Team.
Moore's Flaw: Why Smart Devices Won't Last As Long as Dumb Ones
We may have made a horrible mistake by unnecessarily making our consumer electronics devices smart—and removing generations of future use in the process.
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The Evolution of the BMW Grille Design
Nothing sells a car like beauty, and its grille might be most consequential to that. Here's how the classic BMW grille has changed over the years.
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The Lost Neighborhood under New York's Central Park
Before Central Park was built, a historically black community was destroyed.

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How Deep Sleep May Help The Brain Clear Alzheimer's Toxins
A study of 11 sleeping brains sheds some light on the mysterious link between sleep problems and Alzheimer's disease. The flow of cerebrospinal fluid through the brain appears to be the key.
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Yes, You Can Run Outside Through the Winter
Anything to avoid the treadmill.
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