Your Brain Doesn't Contain Memories. It Is Memories

Your Friday Mix Your Friday Mix
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Your Friday Mix
5 things to kick off your weekend picked with ❤️ by the Mix Team.
How to Make Lasting Friendships as an Adult
Friendships change as we get older. It's part of being a human. And they change often, explains researcher Geoffrey Greif. In fact, friends can become even more important to us later in life. But how we make and maintain those friendships can be elusive as we age.
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Your Brain Doesn't Contain Memories. It Is Memories
Memories begin when your neurons respond to outside stimuli—and compound to rewire your brain.
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[PODCAST] Dolly Parton's America
The story of a legend at the crossroads of America's culture wars.
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A Lone Postman Delivers the Mail to the Far Reaches of the Big Bend
Not many people will drive the mail to places the U.S. Postal Service won't. Seventy-one-year-old Gilbert Lujan is one of them.
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There's No Such Thing as a Dangerous Neighborhood
In defiance of the principles of "broken windows policing," most serious urban violence is concentrated among a small network of people—less than 1 percent of a city's population.
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