Your Friday Mix: The 101 people, ideas and things changing how we work today

Your Friday Mix
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The 101 people, ideas and things changing how we work today
The world of work is in transition. Are you ready?
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Asking for a friend: Are 'expiration dates' just totally bogus?
A food safety expert shares the deets.
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The Perfect Irony That 'The Wolf of Wall Street' Film Was Also a Real-Life Scam
It's April 2013 in New York. Ensconced in a Chelsea studio bubbling with celebrities and champagne, an international man of mystery records his vanity music...
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Why You Should Embrace Your Impostor Syndrome
Instead of trying to conquer self-doubt, use it to your advantage O nce, earlier in my career, I was invited to an elegant media event in Los Angeles. As I walked around the room, full of journalists from some of the biggest publications in the world, I felt so out of place that I hid in the bathroom until my best friend arrived.
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What Kind of Person Fakes Their Voice?
Among her many sins, Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos, reportedly faked her deep voice. Here's why that drives us crazy.
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