Your Midweek Mix - 50 Times That People Spoke Words So Profound, They Literally Changed Lives

Your Midweek Mix
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50 Times That People Spoke Words So Profound, They Literally Changed Lives
The old saying "The pen is mightier than the sword" is testament to the true power of words. While there are many ways to influence and inspire a person, few are more effective than a well chosen anecdote or piece of advice.
Mix Mix
Always Take a Copy of Your Restaurant Receipt
We've all left the "customer copy" of the receipt lying on the table at a restaurant after we've finished dinner. Here's a good reason why you might want to take it with you (and keep it somewhere safe).
Mix Mix
38 Holy Places With Awe-Inspiring Architecture
Get inspired with a visit to these sacred spaces.
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Science Finally Explained What All Toxic People Have in Common. Here's What It Means for Your Team
Scientists call it the 'dark core' or 'D-factor'. You can call it trouble.
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Eat or Toss? A Safety Primer for Moldy Foods
You might be able to salvage that cheddar wedge.
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