Your Midweek Mix - 16 Superfoods That Are Worthy of the Title

Your Midweek Mix
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16 Superfoods That Are Worthy of the Title
Though no single food holds the key to good health or disease prevention, many may be described as super. Here are 16 foods that may be worthy of the esteemed superfood title.
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How to Use a Compass
Make sure you never get lost again by mastering the underappreciated art of navigating with a compass and map.
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Your digital identity has three layers, and you can only protect one of them
What story does your data tell about you?
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List of Free Science Books
Here's an alphabetical list of all available free books. Note that many of the links will bring you to an external page, usually with more info about the book and the download links...
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How Early Humans Handled Aggression
A leading anthropologist proposes that protohumans tamed themselves by killing off violent males.
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