Be Careful, Buy Cars Over Credit Could Lead to Insurance Become Charred

Buy a car that is still in installments by the owner or over credit can be a way to have a vehicle that is relatively new, but not too expensive and still borne by insurers. If you decide to buy this way, make sure that the old owners give a written agreement that you will be forwarding the dependents so that insurance is not charred.

The share of new car purchases in Indonesia's higher credit rather than cash. This way most chosen so that consumers can have the car but can still be set other financially. Usually, the purchase of credits already included package with insurance.

Astra insurance products known as Garda Oto explained through his official remarks last week, credit car insurance could fall automatically when the unit switches ownership in any way. The rule was stated in the standard Policy of motor vehicle Insurance Indonesia (PSAKBI).

In the PSAKBI chapter IV article 10 mentions, "When a motor vehicle and/or interests accounted for switch ownership in any way, this Policy ends by itself after 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of the transfer of ownership unless the insurer giving the consent, in writing, to continue coverage."

When you buy a car by way of a credit to over no missteps was his tips, buying and selling should be reported to the company's financing so that the new owner can file a claim if there is something on the car.
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