How to Avoid Crime When Drive

The condition of the streets, especially in the big cities is increasingly insecure demanding drivers to always be alert when driving. We often listen to the news on the radio or watch TV news that there has been a hold-up or robbery action against motorists off guard. The outside is usually more events like this are often done in places.

To avoid that kind of stuff, it's good you practice the following tips when driving:

Before leaving the car in the parking lot, make sure that all car doors locked and Windows had been sealed. Don't forget, even though it has locked check again your vehicle. This Error often done when someone parked in a place, as a result of his car had vanished after returning.

Never open the car unless the glass in that area safe enough or when the rate of your vehicle is sufficiently taut. Do not leave valuable items such as a cell phone or a wallet in the car when it came out. Also don't put valuables in places that could be seen from outside the car.

You should always bring safety tools that can be used in an emergency. Objects such as wheel locks, pliers, wrench, baseball bat, could be used to defend themselves in case any time you are forced to defend themselves from muggers or criminals.

While stopped at an intersection that is often prone to, try to keep the distance with a vehicle in front of you. Thus when there are criminals who attempt to interfere, you just step on the gas and leave the place. If you feel suspicious of being followed people, never stop in a deserted place because it can endanger your safety.
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