About Apache Helicopter

The Apache helicopter was military helicopter designed for use by the United States Army. In addition to being used by the U.S. military, the design is also used by some other country's military, among others, Greece, Israel, and the Netherlands.

Apache design is revolutionary in the world of military helicopters, such as the helicopters are essentially acting as an air tank, with the heavy weapon system capable of achieving target armored vehicles on the ground. Design for Apache developed by Hughes Helicopters in the 1980s. AH-64 apaches, as it is formally known, produced by Boeing Aircraft.

The naming of the old military traditions reflect the helicopter from the native American culture references in the give a name to the military and helicopters "Apache" is the proper name for this aircraft. Apache itself comes from the name of the famous Native American tribes due to the nature of the militant and skilled performance in the war.

The helicopter is designed for offensive attack and could provide air support to Troops on the ground, or actively search for and eliminate the target depending on the mission. Each Apache helicopter has two cockpits, with one complete set of drivers for both the pilot and gunner in every cockpit. Under normal conditions the shooter sits in front of the cockpit and the pilot sitting behind.

Apache has twin engine designs that keep the helicopter still fly if a problem occurs on a machine. The aircraft was also equipped with armored to withstand a shot from a landline or from another plane. Primary weapons systems are a nose-mounted chain, but in particular the Apache helicopter missions can also be equipped with missiles.

In addition to carrying various offensive Apache choppers, the equipment also has some defensive equipment that serves highly sophisticated sensor systems on Apache Longbow Helicopter. Can also be used in electronic warfare and worked in a variety of conditions including bad weather and flying at night.

Like other military aircraft, Apache helicopters are constantly refined to deal with the special problems that arise in the field.
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