How to Avoid Damage to the Motor Due To the Hollow Road

Surely you often hear lots motorcyclist who suffered an accident let alone if the holiday season has arrived. One of the factors the causes of motorcycle accidents on highways is due to the hole in the street.
You've heard the news there are bikers who died because of the bike and rider plunged hole bounced streets and died instantly.

The holes in the streets it is very dangerous for motorists and if not careful could eliminate our lives. Therefore we should be more careful if passing through the streets that many such holes at both the time of day let alone the night surely has to be extra careful, because if not then it is actually the danger stalking us through the holes in it.

For those of you who have a habit of motor speeds above 80 km/h, it reduced its velocity in order to anticipate and avoid the holes freely. With motor of not too toned things that harm could be anticipated and minimized.

If forced to whole be inevitable should immediately take a position can stand as a crosser is being played. This is quite effective for reducing or dampens the shocks. Do not stop the pace of motor with sudden brake or brakes off, this can cause the motor upside down or team.

Do braking bit by bit while taking off the gas then shift gears into a lower gear position. Try to keep it straight while standing and do not try to turn suddenly because it could cause the balance be can not be controlled or lost control.

If driving at Night preferably using bright lights only and if you only have a regular light bulbs should be replaced with the standard. We recommend that you check also whether lights far and near to function properly and be able to highlight the way to its full potential.

If the lights a bit wonky, should be set up again so straight forward. Rear and brake lights should certainly up and running. This is very important so that the driver behind can see if we were braking.

For you who love drove his motorcycle at high speed should be checked beforehand seal sokbreker conditions should not be any leaks. If the seal is leaking can cause the shock damping to be reduced even function at all. If it turns out the shock absorbers are damaged or worn should be replaced with new ones.
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