Why do car engine So Noisy or Noisy

Car engine sounds unnatural is happening on a car's engine is usually sound like a knock. If the sound is still heard regularly beats the cause is usually on the system a.k.a. or valve. In a State of slow machine round the sound beats it does not sound clear, but by the time...
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The Workings of the Machine Two Step

The first step is the piston moves from BDC (bottom dead center) to TDC (top dead center). By the time the piston rises to the top, then the fuel entry whole open and fuel is sucked from the carburetor into the room on the vessel at the bottom of the piston crank. At that...
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The Working Principle of a Four Step Machines

The first step is sucking fuel from the carburetor to the cylinder bore, after this step the piston moves from TDC (top dead center) toward BDC (bottom dead center) and at the same time the entry valve opens, while the exhaust valve closes tightly. In this step, enter a mist...
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