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Payments Remittance (INDRA NUR HARYANTO - 7530555133722529)

  Dear INDRA NUR HARYANTO,   Your Meta Audience Network Payment is on its way. We have processed the payment for revenue generated from your Audience Network participation. The details of the payment are attached. Remember, it can take a few days for the funds to appear in your payout account. If you have any questions you can contact our Support Team by asking a Direct Support question here: https://business.facebook.com/direct-support/ You can also find general payment information, including how to get started with Direct Support, here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/faq#e1   Sincerely, Audience Network Team  
Your Meta Audience Network Payment is on its way.
We have processed the payment for revenue generated from your Audience Network participation. The details of the payment are attached.
Remember, it can take a few days for the funds to appear in your payout account. If you have any questions you can contact our Support Team by asking a Direct Support question here: https://business.facebook.com/direct-support/
You can also find general payment information, including how to get started with Direct Support, here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/faq#e1
Audience Network Team
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All Universal Analytics services cease to function starting July 1, 2024

Hello Google Analytics user,

On July 1, 2024, Google Analytics 4 properties will have fully replaced Universal Analytics properties, as previously announced. From that date, Google will begin turning off all Universal Analytics services and Universal Analytics APIs, which means Universal Analytics properties will be inaccessible through the Google Analytics front-end and APIs. If you haven't completely migrated to Google Analytics 4 properties, follow the migration guide to start making the switch today.

Exporting your data
To maintain access to data from your Universal Analytics property, you should download or export your data now. If this isn't done through one of the methods provided in the Google Analytics Help Center, your data will be permanently deleted by Google and won't be recoverable. If you intend to use the BigQuery integration to export historical data from your Universal Analytics 360 property, we strongly recommend initiating this immediately.

Product integrations
Universal Analytics data and settings accessed or used through advertiser, publisher or other product integrations will be unavailable when services have stopped. For example:

  1. Universal Analytics goals and ecommerce transactions will stop measuring new conversions, including within linked advertising accounts. This may affect ad campaign performance if those conversions are used in combination with Smart Bidding.
  2. Universal Analytics audience lists will be closed, which may affect ad campaign media activation and performance.
  3. API requests related to Universal Analytics properties will fail, including requests for deletion of Universal Analytics data through the User Deletion API. This also means that tools relying on an API, such as Looker Studio, will not show any Universal Analytics data.
  4. BigQuery export and backfill of historical data from Universal Analytics 360 properties can only be requested up to and including June 30, 2024. Already exported data remains available in BigQuery.
  5. Attribution Projects that were part of Attribution (beta) in Google Analytics will be deleted.


The Google Analytics Team

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RE: Meta Invoice 64541807

  Dear INDRA NUR HARYANTO,   Attached is your self accounted document in relation to Audience Network activity.   Thank you, Meta  
Attached is your self accounted document in relation to Audience Network activity.
Thank you,
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Keep your Timeline? Decide by December 1, 2024

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