How to Choose Your Vehicle Spare Parts

If at any time we are good vehicles four-wheeled vehicles as well as wheel 2 suffered damage and there is a part that is damaged or worn out already, means that section must be immediately replaced with a new one. Part of a vehicle should be replaced with the term referred to...
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How to wash your car properly

Not all people know how to wash your car properly. Car washing job requires its own technique that the point is not the origin of the wash and the origin of the rub. If a job washing cars is done at random will certainly adversely affects your car body. The first step to...
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How to use an automatic transmission on a Car

It is said that he was in Indonesia, the users transmitting automatic cars most simply using the lever "D" or "Drive", both for the road uphill, downhill path or the path horizontally or straight. There are actually several options with the benefit of a lever or different uses...
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How to prepare your car for Mudik

If we want to use the car to drive far enough for example go to hometown then car should be in a prime condition. The car must be prepared away day or at least a few days before travelling, it is intended in order to refine the time still available when repairs not previously...
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